CAFO Applicant Appealing Plan Commission Denial

The fight over the application for a proposed Confined Animal Feeding Operation in Grant County isn’t over.
Nolan Holloway wants to build a CAFO north of Marion just off State Road 15 that would house about nine-thousand hogs.  The Grant County Area Plan Commission voted last month to deny his application.
The “Chronicle-Tribune” reports that Holloway filed an appeal last week with Grant County Superior Court 3, claiming the Plan Commission illegally denied the application because they acted in an arbitrary manner and that they acted improperly on the kind of findings in the case that need to be made.  The appeal also cites the Plan Commission for violating the Indiana Open Door Law for denying journalists and members of the public from recording the meeting when the vote was taken.
No hearing date has yet been scheduled by court officials to hear the appeal.

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