Indiana Wesleyan University’s Dr. Adam Thompson has been named President-Elect of the Indiana Athletic Trainers Association (IATA).
He will assume the official duties of the President in March 2022.
“IWU has been an incredible blessing to me by supporting my desire to be active in the field of athletic training,” said Dr. Thompson, in a prepared statement. “My hope is that I can continue that pursuit for many years to come through education, clinical practice and professional involvement at the state, district, national and international levels.
“Likewise, being involved with the Indiana Athletic Trainers’ Association has been instrumental in enabling me to utilize my passions for sports medicine in unique ways. The peer network has proved critically important in my professional development. I am honored that the IATA membership has given me the opportunity to lead our state association. I am looking forward to the challenge!”
Dr. Thompson serves as the Chair of the Division of Health and Human Performance at Indiana Wesleyan University, where he is a Professor of Athletic Training.
Prior to his current position, Dr. Thompson served as the Director of the Athletic Training Program at IWU for 15 years. Adam is active with patients providing clinical care to Indiana Wesleyan’s men’s and women’s tennis and men’s and women’s cross-country teams. He has been employed at IWU since 1999.
In addition, he volunteers as an orthopedic healthcare provider at Bridges to Health, a free healthcare clinic in Marion, and works as a sports medicine contractor traveling all over the world with the Olympic fencing teams of Team USA.